5 ways to 保护你的财务资料

超过 1.6亿美国人 使用网上银行服务,与 94% of those users accessing their accounts 至少一个月一次. Although online banking offers convenience and speed, it's difficult to ignore the ever-growing possibility of one’s financial or personal data falling into the hands of cybercriminals. 

Hackers are targeting banks and credit unions.

In 2019, more than 100 million US and Canadian 第一资本的账户被黑了, impacting both small businesses and individuals. The breach accessed the personal and financial information of users, 包括他们的名字, 生日, 银行账号, 社会安全号码, 电子邮件地址, 信用评分, 平衡, 邮寄地址.

2014年,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)成为金融危机的受害者 大规模数据泄露 of approximately 83 million account holders, 曝光他们的名字, 邮寄地址, 电话号码, 还有电子邮件地址. It was one of the largest financial data breaches to ever occur at the time. 


积极主动是最好的方法之一 保护你的财务资料, but many consumers aren’t sure where to start. Here are a few tips that will help keep your data secure: 

1. Don’t save your credit or debit card 数字 on websites

64%的信用卡用户 save their card information online or in mobile apps to speed up future purchases. 虽然这可能会提供方便, cybersecurity experts advise against it because this makes it easier for hackers to access and steal your financial information. 虽然这更费时间, manually entering your info when buying products online is a much safer option. 

另外, only make purchases on trusted websites with security features that protect the checkout process. 不确定一个网站是否值得信赖? 你可以输入 地址在这里 验证其真实性. 

2. Create and implement stronger, longer passwords

A strong password is one of the best ways to protect yourself against digital thieves. Unfortunately, a short, easy-to-guess password is just as ineffective as not using one at all. Instead of stringing one or two words together, 选择完整的短语 that contain a combination of letters, 数字, and symbols. Refrain from using your first or last name (or other words that would be easy to guess, such as your favorite sports team) and replace any letters with similar-looking characters—think “@” and “A.”

以下网站 passwordmeter.com can also be used to rate the effectiveness of potential passwords and generate strong passwords for users. Choosing a strong password is essential to protecting your data because approximately half of the traditional antivirus products 无法检测到已知的在线威胁.

3. Enable two-factor or 多因素身份验证

Ensure that your bank or financial organization offers 双因素或多因素身份验证—a service that provides additional ways for customers to verify that they are who they claim to be. This could mean answering security questions that only they would know, or submitting a numerical code generated in real-time and sent to their smartphone or email. 

This gives customers multiple opportunities and avenues to protect their financial information. Instead of simply providing the correct answers to questions asked on your bank’s website — such as “What was your high school mascot?” or “What was the make and model of your first car?” — customers can also enter a distinct code made up of letters, 数字, and special characters to confirm their identity.

4. 保持警惕

Regularly monitoring all credit and debit card transactions on your online bank accounts will help you spot unauthorized transactions as soon as they happen. Logging into these accounts at least two to three times per week gives you peace of mind and lets you verify every transaction made. 

5. 立即采取行动

速度很重要. If you believe your financial information has been compromised, it’s best to reach out to your bank as soon as possible to freeze your cards and place alerts on your accounts to identify any fraudulent transactions. 

Protecting your financial information is a vital part of digital banking, as the looming threat of hacks is only getting worse. In 2019, 62%的泄露数据 came from the financial services industry, and that number is on the rise. 虽然强密码, 多因素身份验证, and swift action are useful protective measures, it’s important for banks and credit unions to have security measures in place that protect customers. 学习 more about how Texas Tech Credit Union safeguards its members from cybersecurity threats. 立即美高梅棋牌娱乐.
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